RevisionFX Effections Plus:
Effections are our collections that are bundled together. RE: Vision Effects' Twixtor can be used to retime video up as 160x faster than actual time. DEFlicker is a RE: Vision Effects product designed to eliminate unwanted flicker and artifacts while filming high-speed or timelapse videos.
Gfx plugin details of RevisionFX Effections Plus
The product is in the After Effects category, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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Incorporate OFX
- DE: Flicker v2.0.0
- DE: Noise v3.3.0
- FieldsKit v3.6.0
- PV Feather v1.8.1
- RE: Fill v2.4.0
- RE: Flex v5.4.0
- RE: Grade v1.1.0
- RE: Lens v2.2.0
- RE: Map v3.2.1
- RE: Match v2.4.0
- ReelSmart Motion Blur Pro v6.2.1
- Shade/Shape v4.3.1
- SmoothKit v3.5.2
- Twixtor Pro v7.3.1
- Video Gogh v3.9.1
The plug-in installed will work in conjunction with After Effects CS6 (and to) along with Premiere Pro CS6 (and up).
Download RevisionFX Effections Plus v23.08 (Win) from the below link now!