Blender Market – Custom Camera Guides v1.0.2: Simply grab any side of the camera and create a new guide. To remove it, move the guide outside the camera.
Set up guides numerically.
There are four types of adjustable composition frames: Free, Margin, Proportional, and Square.
Guide data is saved in Camera Data, allowing for different collections of guides for each camera. You can also copy guides from the active camera to others.
Use hotkeys CTRL+/ to switch off and CTRL+SHIFT+/ to lock guides. Hotkeys and guide colors are customizable in the addon preferences.
Important Note: Guides are represented as Gizmos; the "Show Gizmo" button must be switched on to view them.
- Default guides opacity changed to 0.5
- When guides are locked or hidden in view, the possibility of creating guides in view is also locked.
Download Blender Market – Custom Camera Guides v1.0.2 from the below link now!
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