BlenderMarket - Auto-Highlight in Outliner v3.8.2: Although Blender has an option that expands the Outliner to display the object you have selected, it requires a second button click every time. With the Auto-Highlight feature in the Outliner addon, the process is automated, which saves you time and effort while exploring a vast scene that contains numerous objects.
How can we enhance the user experience when working with complex scenes in Blender?
You can use "BlenderMarket - Auto-Highlight in Outliner."
Where can I download the product?
After subscription, You can download it for free from here.
Gfx plugin details of BlenderMarket - Auto-Highlight in Outliner
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Here are the setting instructions for the Auto-Highlight in the Outliner addon:
- Download the Auto-Expand to Selection addon in an archive in a zip.
- In Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Addons.
- Click on the Install button in the upper right corner of your window.
- Please browse the file, choose it, and click Install the Addon.
- Ensure you enable your Auto-Highlight in the outliner addon by selecting the box on the right side of its name on the Addons menu.
- To enable activating the Auto-Highlight feature, visit the Outliner and then click on the dropdown for Filters.
- Turn on the Auto-Highlight option to turn on the feature.
Some of the new Features in the RanTools(and P-Cutter) Addon Include:
- New HDRI Library with Fast Cutter Mode, P-Cutter, better Cable and Cloth Simulations, and support for asset browsers for Material Library.
- After you have enabled Auto Highlight, a new toggle titled "Collapse Other Collection' will appear. If you enable it, the addon will collapse all collections except for the collection of the object you select.
- Be aware that you'll need to fold the Outliner at least once by pressing 'Shift+A' within the Outliner.
That's it! Now, you're ready to utilize the Auto-Highlight in the Outliner extension in Blender. Suppose you select an object within the 3DView Outline. In that case, the Outliner expands automatically to display the selected object, making finding and organizing your objects within complex scenes easier.
Some great features of BlenderMarket - Auto-Highlight in Outliner:
- Removed the requirement to use Shift+A for "Collapse other collections."
- Increased the size of child objects.
- Fixed the issue that the Outliner would update automatically even if you had already expanded.
- The ability was added to change the default state for all new scenes.
- When you select an object with parents, introduce the option of showing the actual object, not the parent object (grayed through an outliner).
- Experimentally-supported expanding bones pose mode.
What is BlenderMarket - Auto-Highlight in Outliner?
Auto-highlight in an outliner or a similar software tool typically refers to a feature that automatically highlights or selects an item in the outline or list as you interact with it or navigate through it. This can be useful for quickly identifying the currently active or selected item, making it easier to work with complex outlines or hierarchies.
Download BlenderMarket - Auto-Highlight in Outliner v3.8.2 from the below link now!
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