Aescripts TextExploder V3: Divide text layers into words, characters, lines, and much more. The positioning of every character is correctly maintained with sayings, text animators, or additional suggestions.
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Divide Text Layers Readily
- divide into personalities
- divide into phrases
- divide into traces
- isolate one custom phrase
- strong and elastic custom divides with Regular Expressions
Accurate Placement
Following the separation, the standing of every letter is correctly maintained! However, TextExploder does not only"hide" letters in the text - you also receive really"blank" text layers that just contain the text that you see, without any expressions, text messaging animators, or additional suggestions.
Some great features of TextExploder:
- service for 3D layers
- service for bounded text (aka paragraph text or text box text)
- service for texts together with revived positions
- service for layers using"different dimensions" allowed
- KBar service - burst texts along with your preferred settings directly in the toolbar
- scripting API - utilize TextExploder Inside Your Ae scripts
New changes:
- fix issues with Unicode characters in custom split words
- fixed compatibility with newer OS versions and added support for time-limited licenses
Download Aescripts TextExploder V3 from the below link now!
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- Aescripts TextExploder V3.rar (Size: 89.1 KB - Date: 8/26/2024 2:12:42 PM)
- TextExploder V2.0.003 Full Activation Serial.rar (Size: 780.3 KB - Date: 6/23/2024 10:56:25 AM)
- Aescripts TextExploder V2 v2.0.006 (WIN, MAC).rar (Size: 329.1 KB - Date: 6/23/2024 10:56:24 AM)
- Aescripts Text Exploder v2.0.004.rar (Size: 411.5 KB - Date: 6/23/2024 10:56:22 AM)
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